Medical Marijuana is legal in Montana. Learn about states that allow marijuana consumption with Bud and Breakfast’s cannabis legalization by state guide. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? No Montana passed legalization for medical cannabis in 2004, however the Montana Medical Marijuana Act lacked a regulatory structure and was effectively repealed in…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Minnesota. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? No Cannabis legalization in Minnesota allows for the use of medical marijuana but not recreational. SF 2470 permits state manufacturers to grow and produce cannabis intended for medical use by patients who are suffering from established health conditions.…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Massachusetts. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is it recreational marijuana legal? No Cannabis legalization in Massachusetts includes the use of the drug for medical purposes only on November 6, 2013 . Due to Ballot Initiative no citizen can be punished under state law for the use of medical…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Maine. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? No Medical Cannabis legalization in Maine means that eight dispensaries are allowed in the state. The Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program means that a patient who qualifies can possess up to two and a half ounces…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Hawaii. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is it recreational marijuana legal? No In the state of Hawaii, cannabis legalization for medical purposes is contained in Bill 862. This allows a person with a physicians signed statement to possess and cultivate cannabis so long as they suffer from a…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: D.C. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? Yes Cannabis legalization in DC is complicated. Especially since it is different from that of Washington. After months of review and public comments on January 10, 2014, the DC Cannabis Campaign submitted a ballot initiative to the DC…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Delaware. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? No Cannabis legalization in Delaware comes under the Medical Marijuana Act, which allows that cannabis can be used for medicinal purposes under the “Compassionate Care” licenses that have been issued to Marijuana distribution centers. Since cannabis legalization for medical…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Colorado. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? Yes Medical marijuana has been legal in Colorado since 2000, but thanks to Amendment 64, cannabis is now legal for both medicinal and recreational purposes in the state of Colorado. The result has been a large increase…
BUD AND BREAKFAST’S MARIJUANA JURISDICTION REGULATION STATE-BY-STATE OVERVIEW: Arizona. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is recreational marijuana legal? No Prop .203 made medical marijuana legal in Arizona with the aim to protect patients who were seriously ill from being arrested for possessing cannabis that they were using for pain relief and other medical reasons. This…
Bud and Breakfast’s Marijuana Jurisdiction regulation State-by-state overview: Alaska. Quick Facts: Is medicinal cannabis legal? Yes Is it recreational marijuana legal? Yes In Alaska, the Measure 2 campaign seeks to regulate marijuana in the same way that Alcohol is. Therefore it is an act to tax and regulate the production, sale and use of cannabis. The…