House Rules
Check-in is between 12 pm-4 pm and Check-out is between 9 am-11 am. If you need to Check-in or Check-out outside of these times please notify the host.
Guests wanting to bring pets must send pictures of pets to get approval ahead of check-in at least 5 days prior to check-in.
Guests and visitors should comply with the parking regulations and requirements and must show consideration to other vehicles in the neighborhood.
No shoes inside the home.
No Cigarette Smoking inside Airbnb. Cigarette butts must be disposed of in the ashtray provided in the backyard of the property.
No parties or events.
No unregistered guests or visitors allowed. The maximum property capacity is 8 people.
Quiet time after 11 p.m.
No eating or drinking in bedrooms. Please enjoy your meal in the dining room.
Dispose of the garbage in the trash bin.
Keep a close eye on your kids while being on the balcony.
Make sure to turn off the lights, air conditioning, and any electronics when you leave the house. Don’t forget to close the windows and lock the door.
Report any damages and/or breakages in a reasonably timely manner. Damages exceeding the security deposit amount must be paid by guests and will be reported to Airbnb|BudNBreakfast|PrinciplePropertyManagement.
Wash the dishes, and throw out the garbage before checkout.
Our Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas Home
Dear Guests,
Welcome and thank you for choosing our Airbnb! We are happy you arrived safely, and hope you had no troubles in your travels here!
We know you must be ready to get your vacation started, so make yourself at home! If you have any questions you can reach Miguel at 253-459-5439 or through messaging via the Airbnb Mobile App.
We are excited to host you while you explore the beautiful Dallas Fort Worth!
Enjoy your stay!
Miguel Estrada
Basic amenities have been provided including a private room with a queen-sized bed, sheets, comforter, night tables, lamps, dressers, etc. There is no access to our washer and dryer if you need to do laundry. Extra towels can be requested through the Airbnb App via messenger. Our kitchen is at your disposal. Areas are clearly labeled for Airbnb Guests and the top shelf of the refrigerator is for Airbnb Guests. Feel free to use our cooking ware, utensils, and appliances as needed. We have plenty of storage space available for groceries. Please put your dishes in the dishwasher after use.
If your room is fitted with a TV, you may use it at your leisure. It is a smart tv so it is equipped with all the apps you would like to connect to. Please make sure to sign out of any existing accounts and log in to your own account. Don’t forget to log out of your account before checking out.
Our home is a non-smoking environment. If you need to smoke, please do so outside and dispose of your cigarettes afterward.
Please park your vehicle in the extra parking in front of the driveway. You may park in the driveway if there is one space left open for the host.
The household thermostat is controlled by the host and typically kept between the temperatures of 68 F degrees and 72 F degrees. At night, we lower the temperature to about 66 F for comfortable sleeping conditions.
There is one shared shower and one private shower. The shared bathroom is between the smaller rooms whereas the private bathroom is for the master bedroom. To start the shower, turn the handle until the desired temperature settings are reached. Turn all the way off when done.
Each reservation is provided with the following items for bedding and bathroom items.
1 x Towel per Guest
1 x Fitted Sheet
1 x Sheet
1 x Comforter
2 x Pillows
2 x Pillow Cases
The Kitchen is a shared space and can be used during your stay. Please use the label “Airbnb Use Only” cabinets and drawers during your stay for the items you may need such as the following:
Ice Cream Scoop
Can Opener
All Airbnb Guests are able to use the refrigerator top shelf only and freezer. Please label your food if need be to specify what is your apart from other guests during our stay.
If your room is fitted with a TV, you may use it at your leisure. It is a smart tv so it is equipped with all the apps you would like to connect to. Please make sure to sign out of any existing accounts and log in to your own account. Don’t forget to log out of your account before checking out.
Our home has high-speed Internet access that you may connect to via wireless. The network name is Frontier5312 and the password is 5146069460. Let us know if you have any issues connecting to the internet.
[If you have a pet on the premises, use this paragraph to describe your pet and if you have any special instructions for him or her. Make sure that your guest knows you have an animal in the house, otherwise, it might come as a surprise.]
Noise / Parties
There are no parties allowed on the premises as each reservation is for a private room. 8 PM is the latest we will have noise to respect the neighbors in the connected units. You’re more than welcome to use the BBQ and have friends over in the afternoon and use the front porch.
Door / Code
During your stay you will be issued a code for the time period of your stay. Your code will be sent to you via the Airbnb app. You will need to activate your code by using it within 24-Hours of your stay and will expire at checkout on the day of your departure.
Due to the Work Office downstairs of the house, we do keep security cameras positioned to protect our office space and products. Guests are not permitted in this area and will be caught via a security system if anything is tampered with. All guests suspected of theft will have the remainder of their reservation canceled and removed immediately.
Check-Out Instructions
We kindly ask that you check out of the house before 11 AM The Day Of Your Departure. This will ensure that we have time to properly clean the house in preparation for other guests checking in. Let us know if this is going to be a problem and we will try to make arrangements that better suit your timeline. When you checkout, please:
Leave Towels On The Floor
Leave Sheets On The Floor
Leave Trash In Receptical Or In Downstairs Garbage Can
Leave Bedroom Door Open
Leave Dirty Dishes In The Dishwasher
Log Out Of Accounts On TV
Remove All Personal Belongings
Turn Off All Lights
Thank you!
Once again, thank you for staying with us. We sincerely hope you enjoy your time in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything or have any questions. It is our goal to provide you with the best Airbnb experience possible.
Miguel Estrada
Mobile: 253-459-5439
Email: via Airbnb App