by Meagan Lavendar Cannabis Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. According to the Washington Post, in 2014 Colorado generated $700 million from legal marijuana. This statistic not only supports the economic benefits of legal marijuana, but it also motivates other states to want a part of the industry. Alongside…
Marijuana enthusiasts all over the country will be lighting up to celebrate the mother of all 420-friendly holidays happening, of course, on April 20th. If you’re one of those last minute planners who is still trying to figure out what to do this 4/20, have no fear! This guide will lead you in the direction…
The retail cannabis industry has really taken off since legislation was passed to legalize it for recreational use. Currently, there are four states that have legalized recreational usage while several others have approved it for medicinal use. Of the four approved for recreational use, Colorado, Washington, and Alaska currently allow residents and visitors (twenty one years…
The medical community is making groundbreaking studies relating to how the chemical compounds of marijuana work in the body. Discoveries and research studies, including more than sixty different peer reviewed journals, find that marijuana, when used medically, can treat, and in some cases cure, several debilitating diseases such as cancer and epilepsy. In order to…
Celebrities are just like normal people really, and they use cannabis too. Well, now at least they can admit to it. In cannabis’s history, marijuana prohibition has been the subject of hot debate for several years. People who support the decriminalization of cannabis cite the several practical and medicinal benefits. Others who rally against the…
With monumental movement in the recreational marijuana industry, doors of opportunity have swung open for both cannabis enthusiasts as well as “ganjapreneurs” alike. One industry that is experiencing a boom is a sector of the tourism industry specifically geared toward providing marijuana aficionados with a unique traveling experience. Currently, 23 states have approved marijuana for…
Vaporizers are rising high! Just like the rest of the marijuana industry. Quite a lot has happened since the legalization of cannabis, and as the scene changes, different methods of consumption are developing also. Currently 23 states have approved marijuana for medicinal purposes. Four of those states have approved the use of cannabis for recreational…
Cannabis has a wide range of medical uses, however, people who make use of medicinal marijuana are often subject to negative judgement from non-users. Many who support the so-called War on Drugs believe that marijuana users are lazy, unemployed, hedonists who have little to contribute to society. However, several documented cases have shown that marijuana for…
Stoners really do get a bad rap; often stereotyped in the media as lazy, unemployed, overweight potheads with little ambition, however, in most cases, this could not be further from the truth. It is true that marijuana is used as a recreational substance and sometimes gives the user a euphoric high. However, the type of…
Marijuana and its many uses have been in the news quite a bit lately. In recent years, supporters of the legislation to lift prohibition cite the several uses and benefits of cannabis and its cousin hemp. What some people do not know is that hemp and marijuana use dates back several thousand years, with ancient…