Book An Oregon 420 Friendly Cannacation

At Bud and Breakfast you will find over 10 listings that provide cannabis (it’s one of the filters you can apply) with a few of them growing pot on their properties in Southern Oregon and over 26 total. Read down below for an article and photo of Oregon’s “trees” which are unbelievably big. If you go now, you might catch harvest time and be able to go home and tell your friends you were trimming huge buds. A win for you and the cultivator. Read down for the spot that has grows – a real Oregon 420 friendly cannacation.

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Growing Trees In Southern Oregon

Southern Oregon is known for the huge marijuana plants grown (how huge? see below) and one of the best places for a true 420 friendly cannacation. Just look at this tree grown by the brothers Butsch and imagine seeing an entire field of them. Photo and article found on Marijuana Venture, an excellent magazine. 

Pete Alport, Marijuana Venture, Photo, oregon cannacation


The great thing is, and you will see this more and more, these two were taught how to grow from their father who has been growing since the 1970’s on the same property. Notice the companion plants nearby. Basil is a deterrent against aphids, yarrow attracts ladybugs. A truly beautiful grow in Southern Oregon.

As a host, we encourage communications between guests and owners. Can you add or offer a tour of a grow? Offer edibles? Pluses like these will entice visitors to your Bud and Breakfast.

This article includes a video with Jorge Cervantes, a world renowned grower, visiting an organic grow with huge plants. You really have to see the size of these to believe them, “3 Examples Of How Big Cannabis Plants can grow outdoors” found on the Cannabis Info site out of Amsterdam, available in 5 languages. 


Featured: Braymill Cabin. Southern Oregon

Owner Vaughn Allen, welcomes you to Braymill Cabin in Chiloquin, Oregon, population 1,000, surrounded by national forests and close to Crater Lake. Take a break from social media to go off the grid for a relaxing Oregon cannacation at Braymill. No internet, no cell reception but homemade edibles will make up for it. Cannabis provided with a grow onsite along with your own little cabin.

Braymill cabin, Oregon, bud and breakfast, marijuana 420 friendly lodging

Cannacations Of The Future

Oregon is following in the footsteps of Denver, Colorado and working on psilocybin initiatives. In Denver, mushrooms have been decriminalized but that doesn’t mean they are available on every street corner. The question we hear the most, along with the answer from the Denver Westword:

Did Denver just legalize psychedelic mushrooms?
This is by far the most common misconception about the initiative. I-301 makes arresting anyone for personal possession, consumption or growth of magic mushrooms a low priority for law enforcement, effectively decriminalizing them, and prohibits city funds from being used to prosecute such cases. It’s important to note that I-301 does not change law enforcement’s work against distribution of psychedelic mushrooms.

Oregon voters have a vote in front of them as well, but is currently written so mushrooms would only be available from 5 locations, and only with therapy. Meanwhile, Oregon is known for their magic mushrooms that grow, well, like mushrooms along the coast of Oregon. We envision and can’t wait for the day where not only will you be offered cannabis at your Bud and Breakfast, but also different varieties of psilocybin. Things have really changed, haven’t they? 

Regardless of when and where you decide you want your Oregon 420 friendly cannacation to be, and depending on your wishes, you can stay in a cabin, like Vaughn’s or in Portland, in an apartment where you can have your weed delivered. Stay in, order weed delivery, pizza, chocolate chip cookie dough and chill.

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