From: All of us at Bud and Breakfast
This December, regardless of religion or beliefs, let’s make it a goal to all get a bong and get along. Wherever in the world you desire to travel and enjoy cannabis or hemp, Bud and Breakfast has a listing that’s calling your name. If not, start one, list it and let’s get going!
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On the 6th Day of Christmas
My true-love got for me….. 6 ounces of Sativa, 5 huge bath bombs, 4 hemp shirts, 3 THC patches, 2 tickets to Spannabis and 1 dab rig
What do you want to get under your tree or in your stocking? Or get yourself for making it through the year? Of the above which one would you pick?
Sativa or your choice of flower (common term for buds and marijuana)?
Bath products? – Try Kush Queen – A nice soak, who wouldn’t love a CBD bath bomb? Products for couples, as well.
Hemp clothing? – Patagonia, Prana, Hemp Hoodlab – all using hemp. Patagonia sources their hemp from families, no slave labor! Hemp Hoodlamb is out of Amsterdam and their jackets, shirts, hats are w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l-l – Get one in every color! We are lucky to have a US distributer right here in Colorado, HoodLab Denver – stop by if you’re in the area – warm, hemp, vegan, and always with a place to put your joint.
THC/CBD patches? – How about Nature Nurse’s products. Developed with love, compassion and knowledge by a cannabis nurse and activist.
Tickets to Spannabis (this one gets our vote) Flights are cheap from the US to Spain now, meet us there! Amsterdam Cups are so yesterday, Barcelona is now “the” place to be in March. We have 5 lovely listings – click through to view.
Dab rig or something to vape, smoke or make your own oils and tinctures in? Get a bong and get along! Cannabis brings people together, no wonder it’s ceremonial And, it’s always nice to get a new piece of glass. I have a glow-in-the-dark glitter pipe for special occasions, tell us about yours. Have you ever been to a glass show? Unbelievable pieces.
New Listings:
We welcome Michigan, Utah and Missouri to legal cannabis. Michigan joins 9 other states with adult-use laws, while Utah and Missouri are getting their medical marijuana programs in place. Currently in the United States, there are 33 states that have both medical and adult-use and 10 states where adult-use is legal.
New listings: Spain, United States and Netherlands. Search on our site, it’s fun to select “cannabis provided” and see where and what listings show up. Try it! Unfortunately, no option to search for “get a bong”, yet.
Welcoming 2019
Will the Farm Bill get signed? Will hemp become legal to grow again? What states will add medical marijuana or adult-use? Countries? Will cannabis be taken off Schedule 1?
Stay tuned….
One More Thing:
Enter our contest – Win a giveaway of a two day stay either in Hawai’i or Jamaica. Flights not included. All details on our Facebook page.
Please follow us: We’re on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Be the first to know of our new listings and exciting 420 friendly vacation rentals.
Please: Contact us with any questions! Let us know how we can help you.
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