Cannabis oil has been used to treat a 2-month-old baby in a Colorado hospital. An Albuquerque couple have been fighting for the life of their newborn, and this week they made history.
The baby, named Amylea Nunez has been having seizures since she was born a couple of months ago. So far, doctors have been unable to understand why this is happening, nor have they been able to find a cause.
The baby’s mother, Nicole Nunez, says that they think she has a rare form of epilepsy, but nobody knows what type. Amylea was born just before Christmas last year, and has had to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit ever since due to the seizures that she has been having. She was taken home briefly after delivery, but it was not long before she was back due to having her first seizure.
Because the doctors in New Mexico could not help, the baby was transferred to the Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado and that is where she has been for the past two months. Nicole stays there with her full time, and the baby’s father, Ernie, travels back and forth so that he can still work and look after the rest of the family. The family say that this has been a very drastic and difficult change.
Ernie explains that the medication that his baby daughter is currently on is hard on her liver, so they have been looking into alternatives. Nicole did some research and came across Charlotte’s Web—a cannabis oil that has been used before to treat epilepsy in toddlers and young children.
Because the levels of THC are so low, the children do not get high. Regardless, this is still considered a highly controversial form of treatment, and Nicole has been fighting with the doctors for the past three weeks. Finally, the family have been given the “okay” and Amylea is now part of a case study that includes using the oil.
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